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Toxic atmospheres: mobbing in the companies

Panic Away Review
Ever since in 1986 professor Heinz Leyman, psychologist of the work in

the University of Stockholm would initiate his studies on the

harassment labor or, as it would denominate it to Leyman, psicoterror

in the companies, has been written much on this phenomenon. The origins

of the same it comes from the etiologic studies of Konrad Lorenz that

more hard described the attack of a coalition of weak members of a

species against an individual than they. The word mobbing derives from

the English verb “to mob” (to attack with violence).

Whatever it has seen the Up films in the air, with George Clooney or

Estupor and tremors, cradle in the novel of Amélie Nothomb, will have

been able to do good an idea defined of what we are talking about. He

is very arduous to dismiss workers and he is very hard to be victim of

harassment in the labor context. But both things are related.

If in 2000 13 million workers affected by mobbing were entered, in

Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium,

Portugal, Italy and Spain like victims of mobbing (750,000 workers in

Spain, a 5%), that is to say, a 9% of employees of the consulted

countries, million more than in 1995, for 2012, in Spain, we have an

increase of 20% on these numbers, according to Alfonso Rodriguez, one

of the psychologists of the cabinet of the Federation of Services

Public of union UGT (FSP-UGT). To this it is necessary to add that many

of the victims are silent by fear to continue being put under by their

companions or who the thing arrives at ears of the superiors.

 It is evident that the economic crisis that it affects so much to

companies deprived as to public and the cut of groups that brings

prepared they have much to do with the increase of cases of mobbing.

But also there are other causes as it can be the own organization of

the company - whatever more hierarchized is this one, or worse she is

the organization of the same, greater is the number of cases of

mobbing-. Also it is necessary to aim that it is in the Public

Administration (health and education) the sectors in which more cases

of harassment are detected labor.

 But the important thing of this phenomenon is that it does not occur

by a mere “whim” but because a concrete result looks for: the

autoexclusión of the affected one, normally to obtain some class of

presells or benefit. “It is the fraudulent acquisition, on the part of

the pursuer, of this last aim (through harassment) [of the disrepute of

the victim, his paralyzation and getting rid of her] the one that will

determine if mobbing has been or nonbeneficial for the pursuer.”

 The phases of the psicoterror are the following:

1. seduction directed to the victim

2. conflict

3. harassment moral proper

4. complicity of the surroundings

5. action of the company

6. marginalization

7. recovery

A predetermined profile of the victim of mobbing does not exist

although in its majority they are women, since the harassment sexual

constitutes a route to happen by means of blackmail to the harassment


 The pursuer however yes can easily be identified through verbal and

nonverbal language. According to Navy Parés Soliva, “to be able to

unmask to the pursuer by means of the tests who he himself facilitates,

that is to say his own words to us, he can get to prevent that the

designated worker as victim is excluído of the labor world. Therefore,

to detect to the main pursuer besides providing the elements to us

necessary to do against the violence also will be to us helpful in the

protection of the victim. ”, and it does through the word and of the

acts: “Concerning the conduct we found as much communication nonverbal

as acts of noncommunication. We understand like communication not-

verbal the exaggerated sighs, shrinking of shoulders, the glances of

scorn. And like acts of noncommunication: to ignore a greeting, not to

respond to a question, to act as if certain person was not present, to

give to the back… [it] the pursuer attributes or `acusa' to the victim

of its own intentions as if it was a mirror and it attributes, to the

victim yet, its own errors and their own fears.” The knowledge of these

keys (“the use of the rumorología, the hipercriticismo and autodefinir

themselves like standardbearing of one `noble causa' that justifies the

arbitrary use of the violence” allows) us to be less vulnerable to the

manipulation of the pursuer and it will facilitate differentiating to

the pursuer of the victim, distinguishing between the instigador of the

harassment and its dumb allies or “witnesses”, who in last instance

also have been manipulated, and adjusting a toxic labor atmosphere.  

 Other “measures” that are taken to destroy the victim are to ningunear

it, to attribute failures to him who has not committed, to employ more

to him to realise in a minimum of time, not to employ, to give him

traeas to him routine or useless or inadequate for his qualification,

to seat it in a separated, invisible site to the public soon to accuse

that it does not participate to him, not to pass to him the calls

telephone, etc. “to East it used it method with great Stalin success to

remove from encyclopedias uncomfortable the historical personages to

his theories.”

 In any case the consequences for the victim are, stress, the insomnia,

the low self-esteem, the depression, the feeling of fault (“something I

must have done badly…”), the alcoholism, the isolation, and in last

instance, the suicide.

 From 2010, with the increase of the standardisation of crimes picked

up in Statutory law 5/2010, of 22 of June that substantially reforms

the Penal Code that was effective in Spain from 1995, the harassment

moral or mobbing in Spain “is typified like crime (Art. 173,1) when in

the scope of any labor relation and prevaliendo itself of their

relation of superiority, humiliating or hostile acts without getting

take place of repeated form to constitute degrading treatment. It will

be prison sentence of six months to three years or fines of 12 24

months, according to the gravity of coercion or the average employees. Until now in the work only it

constituted crime the harassment sexual.”

Panic Away Review

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